Saturday, July 07, 2007

it's saturday night and i'm holed up in here again commiserating with the melancholy of jay chou's music. i'm pretty darn sure i wouldn't be able to find my way back here on my own after sunset. it's just as well, i've got plenty for company - cream puffs from saiko, plums, dou nai and satc dvds. i've stuffed myself pretty well today - brunch was pepperoni pizza and mint hot chocolate at cosi, mid-afternoon sweet cream ice-cream with strawberries and marshmallows at mix, and sushi for dinner. i'm about to give up on that certain dress i've been eyeing over the past 2 days - it fits almost perfectly but not enough to warrant a purchase. ARGH. then there is the kate spade wallet that caught my fancy today. ohh how good it is to be on holiday and to not have any serious decisions to make or contemplate ponderous issues right now - i need that break.

rachel at 9:47 PM



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