Friday, May 18, 2007

tempting, but not for me.

another crazy week draws to a close. i feel relieved everytime classes end on thursday.

cigarettes and weed on a monday night? no thanks, i'll just take errr two shots of vodka. even so those guys are crazy - i mean, i'd an assignment due the next day and they had papers to write too. anyway things are different now - i couldn't care less about that player and his smooth-talking ways. and, i'm in a detox state of mind. no coffee, not really interested in alcohol, just smoothies, bubble tea and spending QT with him:)

it was funny, i drank some sake over dinner earlier before that silly party, so after those shots i was kinda high. i'm so glad he came, and carried me to the car, where i proceeded to punctuate every noun, verb and adjective in my sentences with fuck. i.e. i can't fucking believe i went over to his fucking's so fucking stupid. what the fuck was i fucking thinking?

giggle giggle giggle. then i get so tired of blabbering incoherently that i fall asleep for a coupla minutes, wake up and continue talking.

yes. that's how fucking silly i get. but still sober enough to make hot chocolate.

drama of the week. everything else was relatively good in comparison.

rachel at 12:35 AM



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