Monday, December 04, 2006

cranial woes.

i've been doing some major room cleaning, and after being really ruthless i filled out about 5 large bags of stuff. it has also made my sinus go into overdrive - and for the rest of the day post springcleaning sesh my nose has been twitching and watering and my eyes are itchy. arghhh.

out went all these remnants of my past, stuff i can't believed i kept for this long. i'm not a hoarder but i guess i didn't really know exactly how much i had. and also how much useless stuff i had. oh well. that said...i did keep the large prince william postcard (featuring, and in the shape of, his face) someone bought me from london and some spice girls posters which, for some obscure reason i can't seem to part with. lol.

i spotted, and re-read, an old love letter, all bright and colourful and happy. love, back then, looked the way the letter was written - carefree. now it weighs like a ponderous feather in my heart. how times have changed.

on to more happier things - i made lunch!! well that's special cuz during the exam period my bro and i cooked pasta almost every weekday. and even though i love pasta i'm tired of tomato-based sauces (the bro doesn't like cream) and the same toppings which we can agree on. i cooked breaded chicken cutlets and prawns today...too much fried food on hindsight but japanese breadcrumbs are divine! :)

just finished reading "paint it black" by janet fitch. quite a riveting read, quite raw too, in terms of emotion. blurb reads "...a powerful story of first love, passion and a young woman's search for truth in the aftermath of loss."

one more novel and four travel guides to get through. i will have to start making to-do lists soon.

rachel at 7:12 AM



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