Wednesday, October 11, 2006

trundling along

everything's picking up speed, so this is where i get my act together.

handed up 2 assignments today, not much breathing space for long. all assignments for the rest of the semester have been doled out, the very thought of it makes me want to hyperventilate.

an increase in the amount of stress i face, as prior experience has shown, results in an increase in the cravings for junk food (and consumption thereafter), and an increase in the amount of online shopping done (4 earrings in a week, a record).

feeling guilty during the downtime, i.e. now, so i shall go off soon to print notes, start doing readings, start sketching, start wondering...there's always so much to think about, my mind has a tendency to go into overdrive, such that it takes me ages to fall asleep.

rachel at 7:16 AM



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