Thursday, October 26, 2006

random stranger.

you know how it is, when you're in a crowded place like say, a club. and you're stuck in a sea of sweaty dancing bodies, with everyone losing their inhibitions in the course of the music, or on the fringes with the other people watchers (eyeing the eye candy) casually sipping your drink of choice.

you're looking around, searching for that face and those eyes. you'd know it anywhere. it's the only thing that matters then, for your gaze to connect with his. but it's dark inside, and the club's huge. you spoke, briefly, but that's not enough. he remembers your name, you didn't catch his. you had a fleeting glimpse of him before he turned the corner and got lost in the crowd. (as an afterthought, that's how things are always gonna be with him)

but of course you bump into him again. he keys his number into your phone, you wake up the next morning to his text, and a flurry of messages ensue. surreal, so it seems, though not quite. naturally, alcohol-addled brains regain their consciousness, and from then on everything goes into the gutter. jerk, you say. but you were naive too.

and then you're back at your stomping ground the next week, kinda jaded but so much the wiser.

rachel at 9:59 AM



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