Monday, October 02, 2006


how i loathe it when reality bites. and how i long to move along, not bothered, flustered or conscious of time and its passing.

yet, in a month of various assignment and project deadlines one can't help but be painfully aware of time, how everything really does count and the minutes, hours and days do trickle by faster than one thinks.

plus, i need to stop skipping certain classes so that i can have more time for other things. i may end up with severe gaps in knowledge that need to be filled...but first i am probably gonna find out if my subsequent attendance will be worthwhile or it's something i can do on my own (as is the case for some modules) by diligently reading the textbook and readings.

i suppose i need more discipline, really. tonight's tv offerings were irresistable...had to pull myself away from the sisterhood of the travelling pants regretfully, but proceeded to get distracted by a myriad of other things. i am trying to get started on my work, and little evils come in the form of MSN Messenger (i should never have signed in!), a brother who occasionally bursts into my room with math paper demanding immediate and undivided attention, a phone call, a seemingly simple question on a form i ask my parents but it takes 1/4 hour to get an answer, and then my craving for gelato which thankfully there still is in the freezer.

so far i've written ONE freaking paragraph of a 1,500 word essay. fabulous!!!!!!!! and i need to wake up at 7, so knowing my struggles with ungodly morning hours i shall sleep soon. guiltily so.

rachel at 8:56 AM



at 6:59 AM Blogger Al said...

Welcome back! Nice layout.

at 5:08 AM Blogger rachel said...



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