Tuesday, October 03, 2006

all those things

there is a difference between loving someone and being absolutely in love with him.

sometimes nuggets of truth do fall out of reality television shows after all, the kind that mtv have too much of and a couple of which are my guilty pleasures. plus i also spent a glorious hour watching entourage and wrongfully feeling like it's termbreak.

there was a test today, and another assignment given out, so 2 weeks from now i have 2 presentations to make and a trend story due. very dreadful really, the thought that mid-november (when exams begin) is so near yet there're so many things being heaped onto our plates now, making it so far away. then again i know that in spite of all that wondering how i'm gonna get through it all somehow i will do so just like the previous 2 semesters.

but for now, having a pounding headache with too many things running through my head.

rachel at 7:18 AM



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